Продуктивность выполнения заданий у детей и подростков с разным уровнем медиамногозадачности

06 апреля 2021 // Галина Солдатова

В сборнике "European Psychiatry" вышла публикация Галины Солдатовой, Анастасии Кошевой и Светланы Чигарьковой "Productivity of tasks performance in children and adolescents with different level of media multitasking". Публикация посвящена изучению продуктивность выполнения заданий у детей и подростков с разным уровнем медиамногозадачности.

Introduction: Media multitasking (MMT) begins to play an increasingly important role in terms of the digitalization of every- day life. At the same time, the effect of MMT on efficiency is still poorly highlighted, especially among the younger generation (May, Elder, 2018; Patterson, 2017; Peifer, Zipp, 2019). 

Objectives: The aim is to identify types of MMT in children and compare them by productivity and time of task performance. 

Methods: Quasi-experimental research, which included the performance of tasks on a computer and a smartphone, was conducted among children in three groups aged 7-10 years, 11-13 years, 14-16 years (N=154). 

Results: Based on a number of criteria, several types of behavior are identified in the MMT environment: two subgroups of “single- taskers” (23%), “light” (19%), “medium” (54%) and “heavy” (4%) MMT. Comparative analysis (p=0.027) reveals high scores for proper task performance of the subgroup “single-taskers1”, as well as “heavy” and “light” MMT. The other subgroup “single-taskers2” and “medium” MMT show, on the contrary, low productivity results. MMT groups also differ in terms of task performance time (p=0.006). The “light” and “heavy” MMT cope the fastest. The second place by the speed of task performance is held by “medium” MMTs and “single-taskers1”, and the slowest are “single-taskers2”. 

Conclusions: The results show that both linear and nonlinear behav- ioral strategies can lead to a certain level of performance. Most children try to operate in the MMT mode and it is becoming the dominant and ubiquitous modus vivendi for the younger generation. 


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Светлана Чигарькова
Анастасия Кошевая


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