Коvalev E. A System Model and Tools for Modernization of Federal and Regional Digital Services of Statistics and Data Analytics in Education

05 ноября 2021 // Ольга Агатова

Коvalev E. A System Model and Tools for Modernization of Federal and Regional Digital Services of Statistics and Data Analytics in Education/Advances in Natural, Human-Made, and Coupled Human-Natural Systems Research / Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Volume 1). Germany: Springer Nature, 2021.
Abstract The paper considers the main directions of digitalization of the education system in Russia, analyzing the infrastructural and technological aspects of the new strategic directions of teacher education—“Pedagogy based on data” and “Education management based on data.” The author analyzes information systems and services in education, considering the possibility of using technologies for analyt ical data processing. Currently, the problem of using data analytics tools in educa tion is the lack of uniform formats and tools for integrating information systems. Data in education accumulates in various solutions that do not share the results of the educational process. Thus, it is impossible to build a clear system of end-to end interaction between systems on common platforms. The author aims to solve this problem by modeling an integrated solution for data analysis at all education levels. The paper proposes technical and organizational solutions for creating inte grated analytics services that allow accumulating and transmitting data on educa tional results during the transition of a student between learning levels. The analysis tools are based on the use of big data technologies. Technologically, it is advised to integrate the proposed solution into the national data management platform. (cм статью в прикрепленном файле)


  1. Springer_A System Model and Tools_Kovalev.pdf


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